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Non-technical summaryDuring recent years the question of legal standing of consumer associations in the course of private cartel damage claims has increasingly attracted attention within the European Commission (EC).The European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG), a sub division of the EC for end consumer interests, adopted an opinion on private damages actions in November 2010. The ECCG states that "innovative and practical solutions to the calculation of damages are needed to replace the often impossible task of calculating the exact loss."Against this background, we show in this article how final consumer damages can be empirically and all affected markets, the overall consumer damage even accounts for about 315 million Euro.Our results further suggest that the retailers reacted to the price increases of the cartel firms via price increases for their own detergent products, resulting in significant umbrella effects. We quantify the damage due to this umbrella pricing to a total of 7.34 million Euro. Our findings are important for cartel damage estimations in general and for the quantification of consumer harm by consumer associations in particular.
Das Wichtigste in KürzeIn den vergangenen Jahren wurde der Frage nach der Klagebefugnis von Verbraucherverbänden that the retailers reacted to the price increases of the cartel firms via price increases for their own detergent products, resulting in significant umbrella effects. We quantify the damage due to this umbrella pricing to a total of about 7.34 million Euro. With respect to the discussion whether special procedures for bringing collective actions should be available in the EU, our results are important to the extent that we show how consumer associations can use consumer panel data in order to claim damages before national courts and thereby actively fulfill their mandate of consumer protection.