A basic understanding of flow characteristics over near wall region is essential to a complete study of Aerodynamics. In this study, a low turbulence, subsonic wind tunnel is used to perform the air flow velocity measurement, which are used to validate the LargeEddy Simulation (LES) code for predictions of a wind turbine flow behavior. Hotwire probe is the tool to process the measurement of air flow velocity through the test section. The experimental results of inlet air flow velocities provide boundary conditions for Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) simulations. The velocity map at the middle plane of test section is obtained from both experiment work and CFD simulation. The CFD methods show a good agreement for the near wall region velocity profile. Nomenclature A + = non-dimensional distance for the dumping function of Smagorinsky model C s = Smagorinsky constant ds = smallest cell size in Ansys meshing dl = largest cell size in Ansys meshing f s = dumping function H = characteristic length j = the number of grid points from the bottom wall in y direction k = Geometric growth ratio in Ansys meshing NY= the total number of grid points in y direction r = bias factor in Ansys meshing Re τ = friction Reynolds number S ij = strain rate tensor U( ) = relative uncertainty of temperature U( ) = relative uncertainty of calibrator u m = friction velocity u 1 , u 2 = the velocity of the first grid point (u 1 ), and second grid point (u 2 ) u + = non-dimensional velocity ( ⁄ ) u τ = friction velocity x,y,z = coordinate directions (x:spanwise direction, y:height direction z:flow direction) x 1 , y 1 = the distance from the wall to the first grid point y j = grid points number from the bottom wall y 2 = the distance from the wall to the second grid point y + ,x + = non-dimensional distance from the wall ( ⁄ ⁄ symbols Δ = filterling width 2 ΔT = Temperature difference = thickness of boundary layer ν = kinematic viscosity ν SGS = SGS eddy viscosity τ w = wall shear stress