In this paper, we present a BeagleBone-based system to increase the security and safety level of critical environments by tracking people movements.Our solution is privacy aware, as it is possible to know who accessed a zone at a given time, with an uncertainty degree of accountability.The problem of accountability of people's access to physical environments is receiving great attention in recent times, also because of the emergent risk related to terrorism. Specifically, indoor tracking to allow a-posteriori identification of the authors of an illegal action is an important issue.Consider, for example, a security/safety incident occurred in a museum, which hosts thousands of visitors per day. Even though we have registered the entrance of all people and we are able to restrict the instant of the incident to a brief time interval, the number of suspects is so high that the adopted security measures are in fact ineffective. Besides video surveillance, an effective possibility of tracking people is based on the use of RFIDs, to have logs reporting people localization at any time and to restore precise information in a faster way than video surveillance. This kind of solution requires that people entrance in the surveillance environment is registered, but this is an acceptable (often already adopted) requirement in case of critical environments (e.g., government buildings, museums, safety-critical environments, tribunals).Unfortunately, in most cases, a similar solution is intolerable for privacy reasons, often not compliant with law requirements.In this paper, we study this issue by considering a surveillant environment in which people internal accesses must be logged for security purposes. However, a certain degree of uncertainty has to be introduced for privacy reasons. Specifically, it is required that, given an instant of time τ