A defect-deferred correction method, increasing both temporal and spatial accuracy, for fluid-fluid interaction problem with nonlinear interface condition is considered by geometric averaging of the previous two-time levels. In the defect step, an artificial viscosity is added only on the fluctuations in the velocity gradient by removing this effect on a coarse mesh. The dissipative influence of the artificial viscosity is further eliminated in the correction step while gaining additional temporal accuracy at the same time. The stability and accuracy analyses of the resulting algorithm are investigated both analytically and numerically.Keywords: fluid-fluid interaction, subgrid artificial viscosity, defect-deferred correction Here, the domain Ω ⊂ R d , (d = 2, 3) is a polygonal or polyhedral domain that consists of two subdomains Ω 1 and Ω 2 , coupled across an interface I, for times t ∈ [0, T ]. The unknown velocity fields and pressure are denoted by u i and p i . Also, | · | represents the Euclidean norm and the vectorŝ n i represent the unit normals on ∂Ω i , and τ is any vector such that τ ·n i = 0. Further, the kinematic viscosity is ν i and the body forcing on velocity field is f i in each subdomain. Here, κ denote the friction parameter for which frictional drag force is assumed to be proportional to the square of the jump of the velocities across the interface.The main characteristic of the proposed defect-deferred correction (DDC) algorithm is the use of a projection-based variational multiscale method (VMS) as a predictor (defect) step for fluid-fluid interaction problems. Here, the geometric averaging (GA) of the coupling terms is considered at the interface. In VMS, since stabilization acts only on the fluctuations in the velocity gradient, the proposed algorithm is called subgrid artificial viscosity (SAV) based defect-deferred correction (SAV-DDC) method. New SAV based defect step indeed increases the efficiency of the DDC method. The scheme replaces the artificial viscosity (AV) step of the defect-deferred correction (AV-DDC) * method of [3] by the SAV step. For smooth solutions, Theorem 5.3 shows the error of the SAV-DDC algorithm is second order in time. Section 6 includes numerical tests to confirm theory and establishes the advantages of the proposed approach over AV-DDC.
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