intravascular glucose sensors have the potential to improve and facilitate glycemic control in critically ill patients and might overcome measurement delay and accuracy issues. this study investigated the accuracy and stability of a biosensor for arterial glucose monitoring tested in a hypo-and hyperglycemic clamp experiment in pigs. 12 sensors were tested over 5 consecutive days in 6 different pigs. Samples of sensor and reference measurement pairs were obtained every 15 minutes. 1337 pairs of glucose values (range 37-458 mg/dl) were available for analysis. The systems met ISO 15197:2013 criteria in 99.2% in total, 100% for glucose <100 mg/dl (n = 414) and 98.8% for glucose ≥100 mg/dl (n = 923). The mean absolute relative difference (MARD) during the entire glycemic range of all sensors was 4.3%. the MARDs within the hypoglycemic (<70 mg/dl), euglycemic (≥70-180 mg/dl) and hyperglycemic glucose ranges (≥180 mg/dl) were 6.1%, 3.6% and 4.7%, respectively. Sensors indicated comparable performance on all days investigated (day 1, 3 and 5). None of the systems showed premature failures. in a porcine model, the performance of the biosensor revealed a promising performance. the transfer of these results into a human setting is the logical next step. Hyperglycemia is common in critical illness irrespective of the presence of preexisting diabetes. Several theories have been raised claiming the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis to be the main cause of so-called stress hyperglycemia, but also inflammatory processes, concomitant medication and acute renal impairments represent prominent triggers provoking hyperglycemia 1. Hyperglycemia is a well-known risk factor for complications and increased mortality in both critically-and not critically ill medical and surgical patients 2-5. Moreover, the degree of hyperglycemia has been associated with increased risk for unfavorable outcomes 6,7. Today, repetitive point-of-care measurements of capillary, venous or arterial blood samples in varying intervals is the recommended and established method to evaluate and steer glycemic control in the hospital both on the general ward and in critical care. These measurements are cheap and precise, but are associated with increased work-load of nursing staff, are-depending on blood-withdrawal method-associated with blood loss, can result in data transfer errors and only show glucose values in a low resolution without the availability of a continuous glucose profile. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems which provide glucose measurements obtained from the interstitial fluid of subcutaneous tissue display glucose values in real time and have gained significant importance in the management of diabetes in the outpatient setting providing sufficient sensor accuracy for treatment decisions 8,9. To date, various subcutaneous CGM systems were evaluated at general wards and in intensive care unit settings and were considered safe and effective for glucose monitoring in inpatients 10-14. However, sensor performance data report...