We show that minimal models of nondegenerated hypersufaces defined by Laurent polynomials with a d-dimensional Newton polytope ∆ are Calabi-Yau varieties X if and only if the Fine interior of the polytope ∆ consists of a single lattice point. We give a combinatorial formula for computing the stringy Euler number of such Calabi-Yau variety X via the lattice polytope ∆. This formula allows to test mirror symmetry in cases when ∆ is not a reflexive polytope. In particular, we apply this formula to pairs of lattice polytopes (∆, ∆ ∨ ) that appear in the Mavlyutov's generalization of the polar duality for reflexive polytopes. Some examples of Mavlyutov's dual pairs (∆, ∆ ∨ ) show that the stringy Euler numbers of the corresponding Calabi-Yau varieties X and X ∨ may not satisfy the expected topological mirror symmetry test: e st (X) = (−1) d−1 e st (X ∨ ). This shows the necessity of an additional condition on Mavlyutov's pairs (∆, ∆ ∨ ).