“…A second layer of parallelization was employed by computing individual roots on independent cores. After picking a principal ideal a = (α) of O K , the main steps of our computations are the following: (1) Finding the initial norm relation to determine the subfields K i , (2) Finding the norm relation in each of the subfields K i , (3) computing the subfields K i,j , (4) Computing the unit groups of the K i,j , (5) Computing the relative norms N K/Ki,j (a), (6) Computing generators of the ideals N K/Ki,j (a), (7) Identifying d-powers (without root computation), (8) Compact representation, and (9) Root computation. We also implemented the reduction from the SPIP to the PIP of [20,21] and we were able to retrieve a short generator of our challenge ideals in K (1) and K (2) (which is a solution to γ-SVP for a γ ∈ e Õ( √ n) in the input principal ideals).…”