Abstrak: Masuknya kaligrafi pada Pekan Olah Raga dan Seni antar Diniyyah (Porsadin), mengharuskan MDTA memiliki guru yang mahir kaligrafi. Sementara guru MDTA Kota Solok belum memiliki keterampilan kaligrafi Porsadin. Tujuan pelatihan ini meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam bidang kaligrafi, agar dapat membina peserta didiknya belajar kaligrafi yang dilombakan pada kegiatan Porsadin. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, demonstrasi dan simulasi karya oleh peserta pelatihan. Mitra kegiatan ini guru MDTA Kota Solok sebanyak 20 orang. Untuk melihat pemahaman dan kepuasan peserta pelatihan dilakukan melalui google form. Hasil pelatihan ini dapat memberdayakan guru sebagai agen pembelajaran kaligrafi Porsadin pada MDTA yang mereka bina. Tahapan pelatihan yang dilakukan meliputi. (1) pemberian peralatan dan demonstrasi materi; (2) simulasi kaligrafi dan koreksi langsung (direct corection); serta (3) penugasan terbimbing. Kemampuan peserta menguasai teknis pembuatan kaligrafi Porsadin, diperoleh data 27% sangat setuju dan 73% mengatakan setuju, artinya rata-rata semua peserta memahami urutan kerja pembuatan kaligrafi Porsadin. Kemudian 87% peserta pelatihan dapat mengajarkan teknis kaligrafi Porsadin kepada peserta didiknya.Abstract: The existence of the calligraphy branch on the annual agenda of the Sports and Arts Week between Diniyyah (Porsadin), requires MDTA to have teachers who are proficient in calligraphy. Meanwhile, MDTA teachers in Solok City do not yet have calligraphy skills for Porsadin. The purpose of this training is to improve the ability of teachers in the field of calligraphy, so that they can foster their students to learn calligraphy which is contested at Porsadin activities. This training was conducted using lecture, demonstration and simulation methods by the trainees. The partners of this activity are MDTA teachers in Solok city, who were selected as many as 20 people. To see the participants' understanding and satisfaction during the training, a Google form questionnaire was used. The results of this training can empower MDTA teachers as agents of calligraphy learning in the MDTAs they foster. The training stages include. (1) provision of materials and equipment; (2) calligraphy demonstration and direct correction; and (3) guided assignments. The ability of the participants to master the technique of making Porsadin calligraphy, obtained data 27% strongly agreed and 73% said they agreed, meaning that on average all participants understood the sequence of work for making Porsadin calligraphy. Furthermore, 87% of the trainees could teach the technique of Porsadin calligraphy to their students.