The s-f model, which describes an interacting system of localized magnetic moments and itinerant conduction electrons (magnetic 4f-, 5f-systems), is exactly solved in the zero bandwidth limit without further restrictions. The s-f exchange leads to a splitting of the S-''bad'' into four quasiparticle sub"bands", the spectral weights of which are strongly temperature (T)and carrier concentration (n)-dependent. For special parameter constellations certain spectral weights disappear, so that corresponding excitations are forbidden. Besides the spectral weights some relevant correlation functions as the average spin-dependent occupation number (n,), the density correlation , die nichtekorrelation (nun -,), die ,,gemischte" Korrelation dt(0 = (S(*)c:t)ct(l)) & (Sznl(l)) und speziell die Spin-Polarisation P = ((nt) --(ni))/((nt> + (nl)) als sehr einfache Funktionen von T, n und dem Spinwert S formulieren. Es wird ein qualitativ vollig unterschiedliches Verhalten dieser Funktionen fur ferromagnetische s-f-Kopplung (4f-Systeme) und antiferromagnetische s-f-Kopplung (5f-Systeme) gefunden. the "mixed" correlation &) = (S(*)c;t)ey(l)) ') Domagkstr. 75, D-4400 Miinster, FRG. z, On leave from: