Protocols for Monitoring Habitat Restoration Projects in the Lower Columbia River and Estuaryiii
AbstractThis document describes a set of protocols developed by the National Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce with the support of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These protocols are designed for researchers and managers monitoring the effectiveness of actions to restore degraded wetland habitat in the lower Columbia River and estuary (CRE). The intent is to promote a standard set of monitoring protocols to assess and compare habitat restoration projects in the region.The goal of many restoration activities in the CRE is to repair the connectivity and function of wetland habitats, and thereby to allow juvenile salmon to regain benefit from these important rearing and refuge areas. To do this effectively, researchers and managers require the means to 1) evaluate the results of individual restoration activities, 2) compare results among projects, and 3) determine the long-term and cumulative effects of habitat restoration on the overall estuary ecosystem. To help achieve this, we have developed a standardized set of monitoring protocols. We limited the number of metrics to a proposed "core" set and selected measurement methods that are straightforward and economical to use. By "core," we mean an optimum suite of metrics that can adequately detail the results of restoration, depending on the goals of the restoration action and financial and logistical limitations of comprehensively monitoring ecological change over extended temporal and spatial scales. We selected core metrics based on the following criteria: 1) correspond to commonly held restoration project goals; 2) are applicable to all sites; 3) characterize controlling factors, ecosystem structure, and ecosystem function; 4) are relevant to both present and future investigations; and 5) are practical in terms of level of effort.In this document, we summarize the types of restoration strategies being planned and implemented in the CRE. We then propose a set of metrics and statistical design for restoration monitoring activities based on commonly shared ecological goals. Finally, we provide specific protocols for this set of estuary monitoring metrics. Monitoring protocols are provided for hydrology (water surface elevation); water quality (temperature, salinity); elevation (topography); landscape features (remote sensing); plant community (composition and cover); vegetation plantings (success); and fish community (species, temporal presence, size/age structure).