In this paper, I argue for the need to shift the focus of nursing research regarding breastfeeding from that of individual responsibility to include a more system‐focused, population health approach. In the 2011, “Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding,” the U.S. Surgeon General called attention to the pervasive disparities in breastfeeding outcomes in the United States. A plethora of nursing research exists aimed at addressing these disparities; however, this research leans toward a neoliberal perspective, mainly focusing on individual factors and failing to address the systemic inequities contributing to these disparities. A shift in nursing science that focuses research at a population level would more effectively support addressing disparities in breastfeeding outcomes and embrace a commitment to social justice. In focusing at a population level, specific inequities that must be addressed include the negative history of breastfeeding in the Black population, systemic racism, and gender inequality. Critical research methodologies are proposed as useful approaches to address these inequities. By engaging in this level of research and using a critical lens, nurse scientists broaden their scope of care to include the entire population, motivate needed social and policy change, facilitate the choice to breastfeed, and ultimately eliminate breastfeeding disparities.