“…Although careful selection of qualified SMEs who have knowledge of the relevant curricular standards should reduce the potential for rater misinterpretation of objectives or test items, alignment ratings (or matches) made by individual judges may be influenced by random error or systematic bias. Observed absolute disagreement in item alignment ratings among SME reviewers has been attributed to multiple possible sources: (1) some objective statements in particular standards documents may be too vague to interpret with confidence (e.g., Resnick et al., ), (2) some items may be correctly answered using multiple distinct solution paths or lines of reasoning, which may produce uncertainty about what objective(s) they measure (Leighton & Gokiert, ), (3) SMEs may misunderstand the alignment rating criteria due to insufficient training (Davis‐Becker & Buckendahl, ), (4) SMEs may seriously misinterpret particular items or objectives (D'Agostino et al., ), (5) SMEs may be too strict or lenient, tending to find too many or few item‐objective matches, or to assign higher or lower ratings than warranted by the tasks’ content (e.g., Roach, Niebling, & Kurz, ), (6) SMEs may lack sufficient content expertise (N. M. Webb et al., ), or vary in their understanding of the “developmental levels and prior instructional experience” of the test‐taker population (Herman, Webb, & Zuniga, , p. 121), either of which may lead to ill‐informed judgments about test items’ cognitive requirements, and (7) SMEs may make physical coding errors (N. M. Webb et al., ), or (8) SMEs may give error‐prone ratings due to fatigue (Sireci, ).…”