This aforementioned "sustainability" is instrumentalized by the so-called Sustainable Development, a term that we describe as oxymoron, since "development" -obviously, in our context, economic development-is a term that is opposed to "limit", an indicator that must be considered inherent to the concept of sustainability.We will understand, therefore, that Territorial Planning linked to Sustainable Development criteria implies the inability, in territorial evolution, to consider the necessary balance to be able to recover and maintain those territorial elements, their resources, to consider acceptable levels of well-being. Consequently, any evolution towards the limit, which does not imply recovery of what has been exhausted, with greater or lesser speed -development in "sustainability"-will inevitably imply an approach to definitive depletion.Review a system based on growth by growth, implementing a system of Permanent Stability, which, in the situation of exaltation of expansive policies, will only be achievable through a process of decrease, a path of reversion towards intralimit positions. This is, therefore, how new territorial figures are proposed prior to urban planning based on what we call Functional Acceptance Capabilities, a figure that we link to the intrinsic nature of the territory and its capacity to maintain a certain balance. Capacities that are linked for their activation to the real and verifiable Social Need, without which the transformation of the common heritage is meaningless.This implies, on the other hand, basic limiting instruments to be implemented in the legislation, so that the criterion turns towards non-expansionist positions: banishing the type of developable land; consider rural land, with its different developable abilities, as an alternative; disclassification, disqualification and even disurbanization, in front of expansionism; determinations such as caring city, mediterranean city, compact, mixed, cohesive, localizability of resources; the right to get urban benefits, with social recovery of real capital gains; renaturalization, revegetation and demobility -non-motorized mobility, proximity-as a project item would be incorporated as a cultural process of degrowth.
Justificación de la investigaciónDesde el traspaso de competencias, con carácter de absoluta exclusividad, en materia de urbanismo y ordenación del territorio a la Comunidad Valenciana, establecidas en el artículo 148.1.3. de la Constitución Española de 1978 y fijadas definitivamente en el artículo 49.1.9.a. del Estatut d'Autonomia de la Comunitat Valenciana de 1982, diversas han sido las leyes que, desde el ámbito competencial autonómico, han sido elaboradas y aprobadas por los órganos de representación democrática de nuestro territorio.Hasta la fecha del traspaso de competencias, básicamente dos fueron las leyes estatales que rigieron los mecanismos de desarrollo del territorio valenciano, su planificación, gestión, así como las cuestiones disciplinarias: la ley del suelo de 1956 y la ley de 1975, así como el texto ...