Prescription drugs are medical treatments for a wide variety of illnesses. Every individual consumes a variety of drug medications but most of these prescribed drugs are addictive which results in drug abuse by many patients. This abuse can lead to long-term biological and psychological dispositions. There are various drugs which, on over-consumption can have permanent behavioural changes sometimes leading to aggressive, impulsive, or antisocial behaviour. Such individuals may not consider the role of a medication drug on their body and brain over a long period. This study summarizes the effects of specific drug abuse on the Human body and discusses the long-term personality and behavioural changes which are posed by those effects. Moreover, there are various crimes which happen in the due course of getting the desired supplement of the particular drug. This describes the crimes happening because of it, both victimless crimes as well as crimes with victims. Negligence by the doctors and the chemist is a key factor for these types of happenings going unnoticed. The role of the doctor and the pharmacist is pivotal to prevent such kind of situations during patient treatment.