Objectives: To assess the drug-related problem among patients with type 2 diabetes at Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital Results: In this study, a total of 148 patient medication records were included. More than half, 83(57.4%) were men and the rest 65(42.6%) were women. The mean age of the study participants was 51.26 ± 7.08. Around one third (74.3%) of the participants had urban residency. A total of 127 drug-related problems were identified, of which dosage too low was the most common type of DRP encountered, 46(36.2%), followed by unnecessary drug therapy, 25(19.7%) and ineffective drug therapy, 25(19.7%). 95(64.2%) of the patients had at least one drug-related problem.Among patients with DRP, more than half of them, 59 (62.1%) had a single DRP. Out of the total participants, 85(57.4%) of them were taking one anti-diabetic medication and 63(42.6%) of them dual anti-diabetic medications. Only half of the patients have attained the desired FBG level. There was no patient who had experienced more than two types of drug-related problems at a time. Less than 10% of patients were taking five or more drugs at a time.