Reduction of the ⌬7 double bond of sterols, a key biosynthetic step in higher eukaryotes, is lacking in lower eukaryotes like the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, leading to terminal sterols with a ⌬5,7-conjugated diene structure. Genes encoding two sterol reductases involved, respectively, in the reduction of sterol ⌬14 and ⌬24(28) double bonds have been cloned to date, but no sequence information was available on the enzyme responsible for ⌬7-bond reduction. This study presents the cloning of the NADPH-sterol ⌬7-reductase (⌬7-red) from Arabidopsis thaliana, based on a metabolic interference approach in yeast. The principle is the functional expression of a plant cDNA library in the yeast strain FY1679-28C tolerant to sterol modifications and the selection of clones resistant to the polyene fungicide nystatin. The toxicity of this compound is dependent on the presence of ⌬5,7-unsaturated sterols in the yeast plasma membrane. One clone out of 10 5 transformants exhibits a cDNA-dependent alteration of cell sterol composition. The 1290-base pair cDNA open reading frame was isolated and sequenced. The corresponding protein presents a significant sequence similarity with yeast ⌬14-and ⌬24(28)-reductases and with human lamin B receptor. The coding sequence was extracted by polymerase chain reaction and inserted into a galactose-inducible yeast expression vector to optimize expression. Analysis using transformed wild type yeast or sterol altered mutants, indicated that ⌬5,7-ergosta-and cholesta-sterols are efficiently reduced in vivo, regardless of the structural variations on the side chain. No reductase activity was observed toward the ⌬14 or the ⌬5 positions of sterols. In vivo extensive ⌬7-reduction of the free and esterified pools of sterols was observed upon induction of the enzyme. Ergosterol present before induction was reduced into ergosta-5,22-dieneol, whereas ergosta-5-eneol is the new end product of sterol neosynthesis, indicating that the yeast ⌬22 desaturase may be no longer active on C-7-saturated sterols. In vitro tests indicated that ⌬7-reductase activity is preferentially associated with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and confirmed the previous finding that NADPH is the reducing agent.