The local dynamics of polypropylene ͑PP͒ in solution is studied by 13 C NMR relaxation and by molecular dynamics ͑MD͒ simulation via the orientational autocorrelation function ͑OACF͒ of C-H bonds. The interpretation protocol of this function proposed by Dejean de la Bâtie, Lauprêtre and Monnerie ͑DLM͒ ͓R. Dejean de la Bâtie, F. Lauprêtre, and L. Monnerie, Macromolecules 21, 2045͑1988͔͒ is applied and tested on new NMR measurements of the various microstructures of polypropylene. This interpretation scheme of the OACF is supported by a detailed study employing simulated PP trajectories in an atomistic heat bath. MD simulations indicate that, quite generally, the correlation time for segmental motions, 1 , extracted from the DLM motional model is closely linked with the mean time between conformational jumps. Both experiments and simulations suggest a slightly higher mobility of meso sequences by comparison with racemic sequences. Our analysis of the microscopic aspects of the segmental dynamics and its manifestation in motional models allows us to trace the microscopic origin of the larger mobility of meso sequences.