Spontaneous countercurrent imbibition into a finite porous medium is an important physical mechanism for many applications, included but not limited to irrigation, CO 2 storage, and oil recovery. Symmetry considerations that are often valid in fractured porous media allow us to study the process in a onedimensional domain. In 1-D, for incompressible fluids and homogeneous rocks, the onset of imbibition can be captured by self-similar solutions and the imbibed volume scales with ffiffi t p . At later times, the imbibition rate decreases and the finite size of the medium has to be taken into account. This requires numerical solutions. Here we present a new approach to approximate the whole imbibition process semianalytically. The onset is captured by a semianalytical solution. We also provide an a priori estimate of the time until which the imbibed volume scales with ffiffi t p . This time is significantly longer than the time it takes until the imbibition front reaches the model boundary. The remainder of the imbibition process is obtained from a selfsimilarity solution. We test our approach against numerical solutions that employ parametrizations relevant for oil recovery and CO 2 sequestration. We show that this concept improves common first-order approaches that heavily underestimate early-time behavior and note that it can be readily included into dual-porosity models. Key Points: New physically based model for spontaneous imbibition Model captures transition from earlytime to late-time imbibition Model validated for different applications Correspondence to: R. March, rafael.march@pet.hw.ac.uk Citation: March, R., F. Doster, and S. Geiger (2016), Accurate early-time and latetime modeling of countercurrent spontaneous imbibition, Water Resour.