“…- C.2 Foster a sense of hope.
- C.3 Shift from a stance of demoralizing pessimism to rational optimism.
- C.4 Help foster the cycle of empowerment, hope, and independence.
- C.5 Reframe relapses from “failure” to “opportunity to learn.”
- C.6 Know that recovery is not a linear process, but involves growth and setbacks, periods of rapid and of little change.
- C.7 Use caring crisis response techniques.
- Demonstrate holistic understanding of adults with mental illness, including awareness of:
- D.1 Basic need for food, shelter, clothing, affiliation, and dignity that are essential if direct mental health services are to be effective (Mueser, Bond, Drake & Resnick, 1998; Stein & Santos, 1998).
- D.2 Personal experiences and world view
- D.3 Individual strengths, interests, and capabilities.
- D.4 Multiple biological (Green, 1998; Hirsch & Weinberger, 1995) psychological, and societal sources (e. g., stigma, illness label) that impact illness, ability to function, and self-expectations (Coursey, 1994).
- D.5 Recovery process (Spaniol & Koehler, 1995; Spaniol, Koehler & Hutchinson, 1994).