The documentary film To Be Of Service, released in 2019, intricately weaves the narratives of US military veterans who grapple with the emotional scars of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and moral injury (MI) and the indispensable role played by the service dogs who help them heal. Through poignant firsthand accounts, these veterans articulate the emotional and physical toll exacted by wartime experiences, revealing a profound sense of brokenness, isolation, and unpreparedness for civilian life. This documentary is a testament to the dedication and sacrifices of military service members and offers an emotional exploration of the profound consequences of war. It illuminates the struggles and triumphs of veterans through the deep connections forged with their loyal service dogs and the transformative impact they have on veterans' quality of life. The financial challenges associated with acquiring a service dog emerge as a pressing issue, underscoring the necessity for heightened public awareness and support for veterans' transitional needs.