Transgender and gender diverse people (TGD) experience elevated rates of behavioral health problems, including depression, anxiety, substance misuse, and suicidality.Minority stressors (e.g., discrimination and victimization) contribute to these poor health outcomes. A salient form of discrimination is the use of gender nonaffirming language, such as using incorrect pronouns or names, yet less is known about other environmental stimuli that may be reined as affirming or nonaffirming. A recent study uncovered the impact symbols (e.g., flags, stickers) may have on invoking positive or negative feelings among TGD youth in the Midwest. Our study further investigates this phenomenon with TGD adults in Texas. During Summer 2021, 3 researchers conducted audio-recorded semistructured focus groups and interviews with 11 participants who identified as transgender, gender nonconforming, or nonbinary. Interview topics included gender-affirming and nonaffirming language, positive and negative experiences, nonsupportive and supportive symbolism, and coping mechanisms. In this manuscript, we present findings regarding symbolism. Within our two primary themes, supportive and nonsupportive symbolism, subthemes