Narges Balouchestani-Asli holds an M.A.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and an Honors Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto. She also has a Master of Applied Science in Collaborative Program in Engineering Education. Her thesis investigated team level factors affecting innovation in multidisciplinary capstone design course. In addition to her research in engineering education, she has been involved as a teaching assistance with more than four engineering design courses from first year to fourth year.
Prof. Chirag Variawa, University of TorontoProfessor Chirag Variawa is Director of First-year Curriculum at the University of Toronto, Canada. He received his Doctorate in Industrial Engineering, focusing on Language Inclusivity in Engineering Education, and is interested in understanding and mitigating learning barriers that affect engineering undergraduate students, especially those of diverse backgrounds.c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017
Are Students Overworked? -Understanding the Workload Expectations and Realities of First-year Engineering AbstractA study was conducted to investigate first-year engineering undergraduate student workload at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada. The study was prompted by student feedback suggesting high workload, impacting their learning experience in first-year and motivated by a Faculty whose goal is to increase accessibility and inclusivity for all students.The multi-part study followed the 2016 cohort of first-year undergraduate engineering students as they completed their first-term of study. Each week in that term, a random sample of students submitted details of their weekly workload, including perceptions of difficulty, for each course quantitatively and qualitatively. These data are investigated in addition to information gathered at the beginning of term from all students and instructors of first-year engineering courses.The analysis of expectations and realities of first-year student workload yields information that can lead to the development of a more integrated, inclusive first-year engineering curriculum. Observations suggest that workload almost doubles within the first three weeks of class and assessments (major and minor) have an amplifying effect especially as they can be inadvertently grouped-together on specific dates. Additionally, there appears to be a link between perceived difficulty and hours spent, with that link aligning better as the courses progress. Furthermore, data also suggests that the first-year design/communication course has a large spike in workload midway through the term, much larger than the increases seen in the heavy-weighted assessments in non-design courses. Qualitative responses suggest that students may feel less prepared for such courses, and consequently spend more time on them when compared to nondesign courses.A deeper look at the results suggest the emergence of several categories, some more dominant and impactful to first-year student workload a...