Contractile forces are essential for many developmental processes involving cell shape change and tissue deformation. Recent experiments on reconstituted actomyosin networks, the major component of the contractile machinery, have shown that active contractility occurs above a threshold motor concentration and within a window of cross-link concentration. We present a microscopic dynamic model that incorporates two essential aspects of actomyosin self-organization: the asymmetric load response of individual actin filaments and the correlated motor-driven events mimicking myosin-induced filament sliding. Using computer simulations, we examine how the concentration and susceptibility of motors contribute to their collective behavior and interplay with the network connectivity to regulate macroscopic contractility. Our model is shown to capture the formation and dynamics of contractile structures and agree with the observed dependence of active contractility on microscopic parameters, including the contractility onset. Cooperative action of load-resisting motors in a force-percolating structure integrates local contraction/buckling events into a global contractile state via an active coarsening process, in contrast to the flow transition driven by uncorrelated kicks of susceptible motors.cytoskeleton | contractile instability | anticorrelated motor kicks | nonequilibrium processes | soft active matter C ontractile forces are essential for many processes vital to development, ranging from cytokinesis and cell motility (1) to wound healing and gastrulation (2). Networks of filamentous actin (F-actin) and the molecular motor, type II myosin have been identified as the major components of the contractile machinery. The actin network provides a structural scaffold on which the myosin motors move, powered by ATP hydrolysis. Actomyosin networks generate contractile forces through the activity of myosin motors, which themselves assemble into bipolar minifilaments that generate sustained sliding of neighboring actin filaments relative to each other in order to reorganize F-actin networks and generate tension (3). When coupled to the cell substrate or using cell-cell adhesions, contractile actomyosin networks transmit forces to their environment.In addition to the microtubule-kinesin system, another important filament-motor assembly in cells that forms well-focused mitotic spindle poles driven by a polarity sorting mechanism (4, 5) to accomplish high-accuracy segregation of duplicated chromosomes, actomyosin condensates appear in diverse tissues and organisms as transient structures that coalesce into still larger arrays that exert contractile forces. Examples include the contractile rings driving cytokinesis and wound healing, and the contractile networks that deform epithelial cell layers in developing embryos and drive polarizing cortical flows (6, 7).Some recent theoretical efforts have modeled the contractile actin cortex as an active polar gel and have derived effective continuum theories within a hydrodynamic framework ...