Accurate localization and mapping are essential for autonomous navigation systems. The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, gmapping, is widely used for creating two-dimensional occupancy grid maps (2D-OGMs) due to its low cost and effectiveness in indoor environments. According to the SLAM interaction between localization and mapping terms, the evaluation of map accuracy implicitly means the evaluation of localization. This study focuses on improving the accuracy of the estimated 2D-OGMs by fine-tuning the 32 initialization parameters of gmapping using a turtlebot3-burger robot. An improved experimental procedure was developed, incorporating image registration and similarity measurement to evaluate the map accuracy. The results show a substantial improvement in map accuracy, from 78.84% to 94.18%. The study highlights the importance of fine-tuning the SLAM algorithm for improved map accuracy and provides valuable insights for developing autonomous navigation systems. The key contribution of this paper lies in the systematic classification, fine-tuning, and evaluation of the Gmapping initialization parameters.