“…the set of combinations of job i, n the set of jobs, M ij the set of available machines for O ij , R ih the set that contains the operations belonging to the hth combination of job i, T ij the set of available cutting tools of operation O ij , TAD ij the set of TADs of operation O ij , LO ih the number of operations of of the hth combination of job i, e.g., LO ih = |R ih |, PW k the power of machine k, t ijk the processing time of operation O ij on machine k, mc ijk the machine cost of operation O ij processed on machine k, mc ij f the cost of the f th tool to process operation O ij , MCCI the machine change cost index, TCCI the tool change cost index, SCCI the set-up change cost index, C EF,ele the electricity carbon emission factor; it takes the value 0.665 (kgCO 2 /kwh) according to the average of grids' emission factors in China [28], T c k the replacement cycle of cutting fluid; its value usually falls in the range [1,3] months [29], In this paper, this value is set to two months, C oil EF the carbon emission factor for the production of cutting fluid (kgCO 2 /L); according to [30], it takes the value 2.85 kgCO 2 …”