“…: Garc ıa-Perea, 1996;Lynx rufus: Crowe, 1975;Tumlison & McDaniel, 1984;Jackson, Gluesing & Jacobson, 1988;Johnson, Brown & Bosomworth, 1981; Prionailurus bengalensis: Nakanishi et al, 2009;Puma concolor: Biknevicius, 1996;Biknevicius & Leigh, 1997;Gay & Best, 1996;Laundr e et al, 2000;Shaw et al, 2007). In addition some groups (Segura & Flores, 2009;Giannini et al, 2010;Segura et al, 2013;Segura, 2015) studied the ontogenetic changes and their functional consequences in Acinonyx jubatus, Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Lynx rufus and Puma concolor. The patterns of cranial ontogeny have been investigated in Pantherines using a descriptive approach that focused on general information about breeding in P. tigris (Sankhala, 1967), growth of body mass (in Pantherines: Carvalho, 1968;P.…”