Evidence is accumulating that rho p21, a ras p21-related small GTP-binding protein (G protein), regulates the actomyosin system. The actomyosin system is known to be essential for cell motility. In the present study, we examined the action of rho p21, its inhibitory GDP/GTP exchange protein (named rho GDI), its stimulatory GDP/GTP exchange protein (named smg GDS), and Clostridium botulinum ADP-ribosyltransferase C3, known to selectively ADP-ribosylate rho p21 and to impair its function, in cell motility (chemokinesis) of Swiss 3T3 cells. We quantitated the capacity of cell motility by measuring cell tracks by phagokinesis. Microinjection of the GTP'yS-bound active form of rhoA p21 or smg GDS into Swiss 3T3 cells did not affect cell motility, but microinjection of rho GDI into the cells did inhibit cell motility. This rho GDI action was prevented by comicroinjection of rho GDI with the GTPyS-bound form of rhoA p21 but not with the same form of rhoA p21 lacking the C-terminal three amino acids which was not posttranslationally modified with lipids. The rho GDI action was not prevented by Ki-rasva l2 p21 or any of the GTP'yS-bound form of other small GTP-binding proteins including racl p21, G25K, and smg p21B. Among these small G proteins, rhoA p21, racl p21, and G25K are known to be substrates for rho GDI. The rho GDI action was not prevented by comicroinjection of rho GDI with smg GDS. Microinjection of C3 into Swiss 3T3 cells also inhibited cell motility. These results indicate that the rho GDI-rho p21 system regulates cell motility, presumably through the actomyosin system.Cell motility is essential for inflammatory reactions, tissue repair, and immune-system interactions in normal cells (for a review, see reference 48). Moreover, cell motility is essential for malignant cancer cells to infiltrate surrounding tissues and for smooth muscle cells in the media to migrate to the intima at the atherosclerotic lesion of vascular vessels (17; for a review, see reference 42). Evidence is accumulating that various kinds of cytoskeletal proteins and interacting proteins between cells and their substrates or neighboring cells regulate cell motility (48). Among these proteins, actomyosin is suggested to be one of the most important molecules in cell motility, on the basis of the observations that cell motility is sensitive to the actin-binding compounds cytochalasin D and phalloidin, which prevent polymerization and depolymerization of actin filaments, respectively (36, 46; for reviews, see references 13 and 28), and that an antibody against myosin affects cell motility (21). However, it is not clear how this actomyosin system is regulated to cause cell motility.Evidence is accumulating that small G proteins regulate various cell functions including cell growth, cell differentiation, gene expression, vesicle transport, cell morphological change, smooth muscle contraction, and superoxide generation in phagocytes (1, 20, 27; for reviews, see references 5, 6, 8, 18, and 51). Of the many small G proteins, the rho p21 family, c...