Background:We introduce an algorithmic approach to optimize diagnostic and prognostic value of gated cardiac single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and magnetic resonance (MR) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) modalities in women with suspected myocardial ischemia. The novel approach: bioinformatics assessment schema (BIAS) forms a mathematical model utilizing MPI data and cardiac metrics generated by one modality to predict the MPI status of another modality. The model identifies cardiac features that either enhance or mask the image-based evidence of ischemia. For each patient, the BIAS model value is used to set an appropriate threshold for the detection of ischemia.Methods: Women (n=130), with symptoms and signs of suspected myocardial ischemia, underwent MPI assessment for regional perfusion defects using two different modalities: gated SPECT and MR. To determine perfusion status, MR data were evaluated qualitatively (MRI QL ) and semi-quantitatively (MRI SQ ) while SPECT data were evaluated using conventional clinical criteria. Evaluators were masked to results of the alternate modality. These MPI status readings were designated "original". Two regression models designated "BIAS" models were generated to model MPI status obtained with one modality (e.g., MRI) compared with a second modality (e.g., SPECT), but importantly, the BIAS models did not include the primary Original MPI reading of the predicting modality. Instead, the BIAS models included auxiliary measurements like left ventricular chamber volumes and myocardial wall thickness. For each modality, the BIAS model was used to set a progressive threshold for interpretation of MPI status. Women were then followed for 38±14 months for the development of a first major adverse cardiovascular event [MACE:CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) or hospitalization for heart failure]. Original and BIASaugmented perfusion status were compared in their ability to detect coronary artery disease (CAD) and for prediction of MACE.Results: Adverse events occurred in 14 (11%) women and CAD was present in 13 (10%). There was a positive correlation of maximum coronary artery stenosis and BIAS score for MRI and SPECT (P<0.001).Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis was conducted and showed an increase in the area
IntroductionPreviously we showed that the initial (i.e., "original") interpretation of myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) was improved by modeling the results of one modality, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), against the results of another modality, such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for diagnosis and prognosis in women with signs and symptoms of ischemia (1). This approach, termed Decisions Informed by Combining Entities (DICE) better identified women likely to experience a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) versus the original reading. However, since the DICE formula incorporated the Original MPI reading it was constrained to convert false negatives to true positives, but did not convert fal...