The optic nerve is divided in four regions: intraocular, intraorbital, intracanalicular, and intracranial. The vertebrate retinal ganglion cells are classified by morphology, physiology and soma size. Species differences and similarities occur with retinal ganglion cells. Alpha retinal ganglion cells have large somata, large dendritic fields, large-diameter axons, and are most dense in the peripheral retina. Beta retinal ganglion cells have smaller diameter somata, smaller dendritic fields, small diameter axons, and predominate in the central retina. Gamma retinal ganglion cells are a heterogenous class of cells and have small diameter axons, and slow axon conduction velocities. The spatial distribution and organization of the retinal ganglion cells extends retinotopically through the nerve fiber layer, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus, and visual cortex. The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness decreases from the optic disk toward the periphery of the retina. The retrobulbar optic nerve axon counts and axon density vary by species, with larger nerves having higher axon counts. Decussation of the optic nerve axons at the optic chiasm varies with 100% decussation in most birds and fish, 65% in cats, 75% in dogs, 80-90% in large animals, and 50% in primates. Centrifugal axons also occur in the optic nerve and may represent a method by which the brain can influence retinal activity.