P Pu ur rp po os se e: : In a previous study we noticed that P6 acupressure decreased postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) more markedly after discharge. As motion sickness susceptibility is increased by, for example, opioids we hypothesized that P6 acupressure decreased PONV by decreasing motion sickness susceptibility. We studied time to nausea by a laboratory motion challenge in a group of volunteers, during P6 and placebo acupressure.M Me et th ho od ds s: : 60 women with high and low susceptibilities for motion sickness participated in a randomized and double-blind study with an active P6 acupressure, placebo acupressure, and a control group (n = 20 in each group). The risk score for PONV was over 50%. The motion challenge was by eccentric rotation in a chair, blindfolded and with chin to chest movements of the head. The challenge was stopped when women reported moderate nausea. Symptoms were recorded. R Re es su ul lt ts s: : Mean time to moderate nausea was longer in the P6 acupressure group compared to the control group. P6 acupressure = 352 (259-445), mean (95% confidence interval) in seconds, control = 151 (121-181) and placebo acupressure = 280 (161-340); (P = 0.006). No difference was found between P6 and placebo acupressure or placebo acupressure and control groups. Previous severity of motion sickness did not influence time to nausea (P = 0.107). The cumulative number of symptoms differed between the three groups (P < 0.05). Fewer symptoms were reported in the P6 acupressure compared to the control group P < 0.009. Overall, P6 acupressure was only marginally more effective than placebo acupressure on the forearms. C Co on nc cl lu us si io on n: : In females with a history of motion sickness P6 acupressure increased tolerance to experimental nauseogenic stimuli, and reduced the total number of symptoms reported. OSTOPERATIVE nausea and vomiting (PONV) can be exacerbated by movement such as transport on a trolley, change in position in bed and, after day-case surgery, transport home or activity at home.
Objectif1 A history of motion sickness is also an independent predictor of PONV.2 Recent evidence suggests that P6 acupressure may decrease symptoms of motion sickness, 3 and that these effects may be particularly beneficial after day case surgery. 4,5 Could it be that P6 stimulation is mainly effective on movement-induced nausea?The main signs and symptoms of motion sickness are nausea, pallor, cold sweating, and vomiting. However, many other symptoms of motion sickness are reported to varying degrees. These include apathy, general discomfort, headache, stomach awareness, increased salivation, fatigue, drowsiness, depression, warmth, dizziness, yawning, cardiac palpitations, and inability to concentrate or perform tasks. 6,7 We hypothesized that women at high risk for PONV would benefit from P6 acupressure administered prior to nauseogenic stimuli. The primary outcome was the time to moderate nausea (3 or more on a Lickert type scale 0-6) provoked by head movements in an eccentrically rotating c...