“…where g, R and ∇ stand for the determinant, the scalar curvature and the covariant derivative associated to the physical 2d metric gµν , α is a numerical constant and i = 1, ..., N. Φ is the dilaton scalar field, while f i are the matter scalar fields. When α = 4 and U(Φ) =const.= 4λ 2 the action (1.1) is the CGHS model, while α = 2 and U(Φ) = e 2Φ gives the spherically symmetric general relativity coupled to null-dust (in units G = 1, where G is the Newton constant) [16], to which we refere as the SSND model. If the dilaton is redefined as φ = e −2Φ , and after an appropriate rescaling of the metric (g µν = e αΦ/2 g µν ), the action (1.1) simplifies…”