Streamlined features, rat-tails, glacial striae, and dispersal patterns for till clasts and matrix geochemistry defi ne glacier dynamics and fl ow directions across the Petitcodiac map area, southeastern New Brunswick. These data indicate that a single till sheet was deposited as the dominant ice-fl ow direction fl uctuated between east, south-southwest, and east-southeast across the study area. The Anagance Ridges and Central Plateau formed major obstructions, but were eventually glaciated by southward fl owing ice. Three phases of glacier fl ow are recognized: (1) an early topographicallycontrolled, thin-ice phase; (2) regional fl ow during a phase of maximum ice growth and; (3) a late phase of thinning ice. The late phase is characterized by: deviation of fl ow around major obstacles; ice-sheet drawdown toward outlets; fl ooding of low lying valleys due to eustatic rise in sea level; and glacier melting. No evidence was found indicating northward or radial fl ow from the Central Plateau.Clast trains are traceable from known outcrops, southward over distances of 10 km, whereas distinct till geochemical dispersal patterns are commonly lost within 5 km of transport from the known source unit. Geochemical dispersal suggests a potential for the identifi cation of additional local mineralized zones along some faults.Sand content in the till refl ects increased erosion and incorporation at locations where the glacier climbed over major topographic obstacles, oriented transverse to the regional fl ow direction. The clay content increases primarily because of the incorporation of sediments occupying valleys and low-lying coastal areas at the time of glacier advance. These observations indicate that the basal sediment load did not establish an erosive equilibrium between the glacier and the underlying bedrock for all locations across the study area. Preferential incorporation occurred at points of increased erosion and in areas of thick preglacial sediment accumulations, altering matrix composition and obscuring some geochemical dispersal patterns. These observations have implications for glacial prospecting in sub-alpine terrains elsewhere.
RÉSUMÉLes caractéristiques laminaires, les queues-de-rat, les stries glaciaires et les traînées de dispersion des clastes de till de même que la composition géochimique de la matrice, défi nissent la dynamique du glacier et les directions de l'écoulement à l'intérieur du secteur cartographique de Petitcodiac, dans le Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Ces données révèlent qu'une nappe de till unique s'est déposée pendant que la direction prédominante de l'écoulement des glaces fl uctuait entre l'est, le sud-sud-est et l'est-sud-est dans le secteur d'étude. Les chaînons Anagance et le plateau Central ont constitué les principales obstructions, mais ils ont fi nalement été recouverts par des glaces s'écoulant vers le sud. On distingue trois phases d'écoulement glaciaire : 1) une phase précoce de glace mince topographiquement canalisée; 2) un écoulement régional au cours d'une phas...