Novel and diverse document ranking is an effective strategy that involves reducing redundancy in a ranked list to maximize the amount of novel and relevant information available to users. Evaluation for novelty and diversity typically involves an assessor judging each document for relevance against a set of pre-identified subtopics, which may be disambiguations of the query, facets of an information need, or nuggets of information. Alternately, when expressing a preference for document A or document B, users may implicitly take subtopics into account, but may also take into account other factors such as recency, readability, length, and so on, each of which may have more or less importance depending on user. A user profile contains information about the extent to which each factor, including subtopic relevance, plays a role in the user's preference for one document over another. A preference-based evaluation can then take this user profile information into account to better model utility to the space of users.In this work, we propose an evaluation framework that not only can consider implicit factors but also handles differences in user preference due to varying underlying information need. Our proposed framework is based on the idea that a user scanning a ranked list from top to bottom and stopping at rank k gains some utility from every document that is relevant their information need. Thus, we model the expected utility of a ranked list by estimating the utility of a document at a given rank using preference judgments and define evaluation measures based on the same. We validate our framework by comparing it to existing measures such as α-nDCG, ERR-IA, and subtopic recall that require explicit subtopic judgments We show that our proposed measures correlate well with existing measures while having the potential to capture various other factors when real data is used. We also show that the proposed measures can easily handle relevance assessments against multiple user profiles, and that they are robust to noisy and incomplete judgments.