In recent years, vibrational devices have been introduced in order to reduce patient discomfort in some situations such as orofacial pain, orthodontic therapy, and injection of local anaesthetics. This article aims to review the clinical experience given by the use of these devices in local anaesthesia. The literature search was carried out on the main scientific databases for articles up to November 2022. Eligibility criteria were established, and pertinent articles selected. The results were classified by author, year, type of study, sample size and characteristics, purpose of use, type of vibrational device used, protocol used, and outcomes. Nine relevant articles were found. These are split mouth randomized clinical trials which evaluate the reduction in pain perception with different devices and different protocols of use in children, during procedures which require local analgesia by injection, compared with traditional local anaesthesia with premedication based on anaesthetic gels. Different objective and subjective scales of pain and discomfort perception were used. Although results are promising, some data, such as those relating to vibrational intensity and frequency, are not clear. Evaluations on samples varying by age and context of use are necessary to fully define the indications for this type of aid during oral rehabilitation procedures.