Many women track their daily basal body temperature (BBT), an important factor in reproductive status, as a part of fertility self-management. This study involved 135 patients who had undergone conventional infertility treatment; they had weekly acupuncture treatment and we assessed BBT, menstrual cycle, menstrual period and menstrual bleeding amount pre-and post-treatment. We also analyzed the rate of insufficient description of reproductive parameters, comparing patients who had delivered a baby with those who had a miscarriage and those who did not become pregnant. Menstrual cycle and period did not show notable changes pre-and post-acupuncture treatment in all groups. Menstrual bleeding amount decreased in the no-pregnancy group. There was a suggestion that acupuncture decreased very long menstrual cycle (e.g. bimonthly) to monthly. The insufficient description rate of menstrual bleeding amount was high in all groups. Weekly discussion about monitoring reproductive parameters could improve patients' awareness in self-management. To prevent miscarriage patients needed psychological and medical advice for careful self-management in pregnancy and menstrual cycle.