Stress conditions (thermal and oxidative) were applied to Yarrowia lipolytica culture. A rearrangement in cell metabolism as well as dimorphism was observed under these conditions. An image analysis procedure was employed for morphology characterization, and a net increase of around 25% on hyphae formation was detected. A significant increment in total hyphal length was detected, compared with the control system. The results obtained lead to the consideration of a possible relationship between dimorphism and a cell response mechanism to stress conditions. Keywords Cell morphology, Yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica,
Image analysis, Stress
IntroductionYarrowia lipolytica is an aerobic micro-organism capable of producing important metabolites and has an intense secretory activity, which justifies efforts to use it in industry (as a biocatalyst), in molecular biology and in genetics studies. Dimorphism refers to the ability of fungi to grow in two distinct forms, usually as single oval cells or as a filament, and to be reversible between each one. The cell shape is controlled by environmental factors, as shown by some authors [1,2,3].Y. lipolytica has been considered an adequate model for dimorphism studies in yeasts, since it has an efficient system for genetic engineering transformation, and it is easy to distinguish between its morphological forms, in contrast to S. cerevisiae, which does not produce true filaments and exhibits pseudo-hyphae growth under nitrogen-limited conditions. The yeast-to-mycelium transition is associated with unipolar growth, asymmetric division, large polarly located vacuoles and repression of cell separation after division [4].Y. lipolytica has a hyphae diameter corresponding to 60-100% of its single cell stage [5,6]. The true mycelium consists of septated hyphae 3-5 m wide and several millimeters long. The apical cells frequently exceed 100 m, while the segments measure 50-70 m [7]. The germination exhibits a bipolar pattern, and there is no case of overposition in germination locus [6].It is believed that yeast dimorphism is related to a defense mechanism to adverse conditions, such as temperature and nutritional changes [8]. In wild strains, such as the one employed in this work, the hyphae growing ability can provide a selective advantage when facing conditions of stress [9,10]. It is known that, specifically in Y. lipolytica, the carbon source employed has no influence on cell morphology and has a medium pH. However, their morphology is considered to be strongly dependent on the nitrogen source and, if the mitochondrial respiration is inhibited, no hyphae formation is achieved [7,10].Fungal dimorphism is generally characterized by the presence of many intermediate morphological forms, displaying a broad distribution of cell sizes and shapes. Nevertheless, under certain conditions, one particular morphology may dominate [11]. This wide morphology spectrum greatly affects fermentation performance, since it induces rheological changes and consequently leads to mass and heat transfer...