The contents of (+)-cis-abscisic acid (ABA) and alkaline-hydrolyzable ABA-conjugate(s) ABA and water-soluble ABA-conjugates are important components of the growth inhibitor complex of many plants (1). The levels of these compounds have been reported to increase during fruit maturation and this observation has given rise to speculation on their role in fruit ripening and other related developmental phenomena (16). Increases in ABA and ABA-conjugates in citrus fruit have been related to exocarp senescence and the transition of chloroplasts to chromoplasts that occurs in this tissue (6,7,23). Accumulation of ABA and possibly the 2,trans-isomer of ABA in fruit has been postulated to influence bud dormancy and contributed to biennial-bearing which is common in many citrus varieties (5, 10). Numerous reports on the endogenous level of growth inhibitors in citrus fruit have appeared in the literature (see Ref. 4 for review). For the most part, these reports have relied upon relatively nonspecific bioassays for the estimation of ABA. Although reports using GC or GC-MS have also appeared, the requirements for sample prepurification make routine analyses difficult by these methods. Furthermore, the variable sample loss incurred ' Supported from funds provided by the