With the rising usage of technology, a tremendous volume of data is being produced in the current scenario. This data contains a lot of personal data and may be given to third parties throughout the data mining process. Individual privacy is extremely difficult for the data owner to protect. Privacy-Preservation in Data Mining (PPDM) offers a solution to this problem. Encryption or anonymization have been recommended to preserve privacy in existing research. But encryption has high computing costs, and anonymization may drastically decrease the utility of data. This paper proposed a privacy-preserving strategy based on dimensionality reduction and feature selection. The proposed strategy is based on dimensionality reduction and feature selection that is difficult to reverse. The objective of this paper is to propose a perturbation-based privacy-preserving technique. Here, random projection and principal component analysis are utilized to alter the data. The main reason for this is that the dimension reduction combined with feature selection would cause the records to be perturbed more efficiently. The hybrid approach picks relevant features, decreases data dimensionality, and reduces training time, resulting in improved classification performance as measured by accuracy, kappa statistics, mean absolute error and other metrics. The proposed technique outperforms all other approaches in terms of classification accuracy increasing from 63.13 percent to 68.34 percent, proving its effectiveness in detecting cardiovascular illness. Even in its reduced form, the approach proposed here ensures that the dataset's classification accuracy is improved.