“…Mohan's (2018) seven pillars of social practice mission: education, service, empathic humility (EH), liberatory assistance (LA), transparent effectiveness (TE), and buoyance can provide a good framework in filling the gap in current knowledge and practice to reduce health disparities and increase health equity among disadvantaged populations in a fast-changing globalized world. In order to promote a culture of health and empowerment, one recommendation would be to incorporate and adopt Transforming Impossible into Possible (TIP) as a bottom-up system change model to enhance PSS for health and wellbeing-as have been found to be effective in other contexts (P. Y. P. Hong, Choi, & R. Hong, 2020;Hong, Kim, Marley, & Park, 2021;P. Y. P. Hong, Lewis, Park, R. Hong, & Davies, 2021), TIP could provide opportunities to put in practice the seven pillars on the ground to promote bottom-up, empowerment-based health processes and outcomes (Hong, 2016a(Hong, , 2016b.…”