In this research note, we address the potentials of using interviewer-observed paradata, typically collected during face-to-face-only interviews, in mixed-mode and innovative data collection methods that involve an interviewer at some stage (e.g., during the initial contact or during the interview). To this end, we first provide a systematic overview of the types and purposes of the interviewer-observed paradata most commonly collected in face-to-face interviews—contact form data, interviewer observations, and interviewer evaluations—using the methodology of evidence mapping. Based on selected studies, we illustrate the main purposes of interviewer-observed paradata we identified—including fieldwork management, propensity modeling, nonresponse bias analysis, substantive analysis, and survey data quality assessment. Based on this, we discuss the possible use of interviewer-observed paradata in mixed-mode and innovative data collection methods. We conclude with thoughts on new types of interviewer-observed paradata and the potential of combining paradata from different survey modes.