DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2018.1469461
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A range of kindness activities boost happiness

Abstract: This experiment investigates the effects of a seven-day kindness activities intervention on changes in subjective happiness. The study was designed to test whether performing different types of kindness activities had differential effects on happiness. Our recent systematic review and meta-analysis of the psychological effects of kindness (Curry, et al. 2018) revealed that performing acts of kindness boosts happiness and well-being. However, we noted in that review that rarely had researchers specifically comp… Show more

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Cited by 70 publications
(58 citation statements)
References 10 publications
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“…Intervention participants in the present study also described feelings of increased happiness, which consequently improved their overall mood, as a result of participating in the acts of kindness. This finding is consistent with results from Rowland and Curry (2019) as well as Paviglianiti and Irwin (2017), who found that performing acts of kindness increased feelings of happiness. The improvement in such constructs described by participants potentially positions acts of kindness as a cost-effective solution to the mental health challenges that students experience.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 92%
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“…Intervention participants in the present study also described feelings of increased happiness, which consequently improved their overall mood, as a result of participating in the acts of kindness. This finding is consistent with results from Rowland and Curry (2019) as well as Paviglianiti and Irwin (2017), who found that performing acts of kindness increased feelings of happiness. The improvement in such constructs described by participants potentially positions acts of kindness as a cost-effective solution to the mental health challenges that students experience.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 92%
“…Namely, the intervention group described improvement in their wellbeing, mood, and mental health and decreased levels of stress, which highlights the beneficial nature of acts of kindness as a mental health promotion tool. Although findings were not statistically significant, qualitative responses from participants suggested meaningful impacts that paralleled findings from previous works, with respect to kindness as an intervention for student social interaction anxiety, affect, and mood (Layous et al 2014;Lyubomirsky et al 2004;Paviglianiti and Irwin 2017;Pressman et al 2015;Rowland and Curry 2019). Given its low cost and ease of application, acts of kindness as a health promotion tool holds promise as a unique strategy that can easily and widely be employed on university campuses to support the mental health of undergraduate students during what is ubiquitously described as a stressful time.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 64%
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“…From a clinical practice point of view, our study suggests that interpersonal and empathetic attitudes, such as showing kindness, being willing to listen or demonstrating support, should not be underestimated and can boost the attitudes of people who use drugs towards treatment. 40 A more humanised and destigmatised environment contributes to better treatment experience The literature suggests that non-judgemental attitudes are fundamental to engage people with complex biopsychosocial issues. 41 According to social psychology theories, degrading and discriminatory behaviours within clinical settings, and towards stigmatised groups, are related to unconscious attributions of a lower human status to people, designated as dehumanisation.…”
Section: Open Accessmentioning
confidence: 99%