The fungus Cylindrocladium spathiphylli causes collar and root rot in spathe flowers, inducing yellowing and wilting of leaves in the shoot. This fungus has been scarcely studied for extracellular enzymes. Therefore, a n in vitro assay was carried out in randomized design, with three treatments (two normal isolates: LFEE1 01 6 -EPAGRI and MMBF 01/01 -IB/SP; plus control) and six replicates, for enzyme detection. Amylase (AM), lipase (LP), carboxymethylcellulase (CMC) and laccase (LC) were measured by calculating the annulus area, the activity site of the enzymes. Catalase (CT) and gelatinase (GL) were mea sured by symbols subsequ ently transformed into scores (1 to 4, from absence to intense produ ction). MMBF 01 /0 1 isolate had the largest areas and enzymes with the highest intensity. Of the enzymes, Migotto, B.C.; Ferreira, A.B.M.; Bueno, C.J. Cylindrocladium spathiphylli from spathe flower (Spathiphyllum wallisii Rengel): detection of extracellular enzymes in normal and temperature-changed isolates. Summa Phytopathologica, v.39, n.2, p.89-96, 2013. the largest area was that of LC, followed by LP. LFEEI016 and MMBF 01/01 showed no area for AM and CMC and exhibited weak and equal intensity for CT. The intensity of GT was moderate for MMBF 01/ 0 1 (mea n score 3 .0 ) a nd absent for LFEEI01 6 (mea n score 1 .0 ). After produ ction of extra cellula r enzymes, the isola tes were vegetatively altered by temperatu res. The a ssay wa s in completely ra ndomized factoria l design including mycelial discs of the fu ngal isolates versus three temperatures [23ºC (T1), 33ºC (T2) and 33ºC to 23ºC (T3)] versus four periods (3, 6, 9 and 12 days) and eight replicates in a Petri dish containing PDA and maintained in a BOD chamber. The diameter of colonies was daily measured (mm) in both directions. The noted changes were: innocuous, fungista tic (FS) and fungicide O fungo Cylindrocladium spathiphylli causa podridão no colo e nas raízes de espatifilo, induzindo amarelecimento e murcha nas folhas da parte a érea. Há poucos estudos com o fu ngo quanto às enzimas extracelulares. Assim, delineou-se ensaio inteiramente casualizado in v itro , com três tra ta mentos (dois isola dos norma is: LFEEI0 1 6 -EPAGRI/SC e MMBF 0 1 /0 1 -IB/SP; ma is testemu nha ) e seis repetições, visando a detecçã o de enzimas. A amilase (AM), lipa se (LP), carboximetilcelulase (CMC) e lacase (LC) fora m mensura das pelo cálculo da área da coroa circular, local de atividade das enzimas. A cata la se (CT) e gelatinase (GL) foram mensuradas por símbolos, depois transformados em notas (1 a 4, de ausência à intensa produção). O isolado MMBF 01/01 produziu as maiores áreas e com mais intensidade as enzimas. Das enzimas, a maior área foi a da LC e depois a LP. LFEEI016 e MMBF 0 1/01 não apresentaram área pa ra AM e CMC e exibiram intensidade fraca e igual para CT. A intensidade de GT foi moderada no MMBF 01/01 (nota média 3,0) e ausente para o LFEEI016 (nota média 1,0). Após a produção das enzimas extracelulares, os isolados foram alterados vegetativa mente...