The effect of various solvents (hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol) on extraction of phytocomponents of Leonurus cardiaca leaf was studied a long with the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the obtained extracts. The chemical composition of the obtained extracts was studied by the chemical and spectrophotometric methods. The results showed the presence of various phytocompounds in the extracts. It was found that the non-polar solvent hexane extracted a large amount of esters compared to all selected solvents. It was also established that the most polar solvent, isopropanol, extracted large amounts of fatty acids. More extractives (8.5% yield) were extracted with isopropanol and this extract contained the highest amounts of phenolic compounds (68.8 mg GAE/g) and flavonoids (22.7 mg RE/g). The analysis of the antioxidant activity showed that the isopropanol extract had the best result. The antibacterial analysis showed that all investigated conditionally pathogenic bacteria (E. Coli, B. subtilis and Salmonella tуphimurium) were sensitive to all extracts.
RezumatPrezentul studiu a evaluat efectul unor solvenți (hexan, dietil eter, acetat de etil, alcool izopropilic) asupra procesului de extracție al fitocomponentelor din frunzele de Leonurus cardiaca, precum și activitățile antioxidantă și antibacteriană ale extractelor obținute. Compoziția chimică a acestora a fost studiată prin metode chimice și spectrofotometrice. S-a observat că hexanul a extras o cantitate mare de esteri în comparație cu restul solvenților. S-a stabilit, de asemenea, că solventul cel mai polar, izopropanolul, extrage cantități mari de acizi grași. Analiza activității antioxidante a arătat că extractul izopropanolic a avut cel mai bun rezultat. Analiza antibacteriană a arătat că toate bacteriile patogene condiționat investigate (E. coli, B. subtilis și Salmonella tуphimurium) au fost sensibile la toate extractele.