Inversion of the uterus is defined as the turning inside out of the fundus into the uterine cavity. According to the literature, uterine inversion occurs in 1/20,000 or even 1/1,584 deliveries. Mortality rates following acute uterine inversion were reported by some authors to have been as high as 80%. Therefore, it is very important to make an early diagnosis. The shorter the time between the moment of uterine inversion and its repositioning, the better the results of conservative treatment, and bigger chance of avoiding surgical management. The article presents two cases of patients hospitalised in 2010-2011 in the Gynaecologic and Obstetrics Department of the Regional Polyclinic Hospital in Kalisz, Central Poland, diagnosed with acute uterine inversion in accordance with the applicable classification. Surgical management was applied in one of the patients. The other patient was managed in a conservative manner. Both women were discharged from the hospital in a good general condition.