Rhinosporidiosis is a rare, chronic, granulomatous infection of the mucous membranes that mainly involves the nose and nasopharynx; it occasionally involves the pharynx, conjunctiva, larynx, trachea and, rarely, the skin. The characteristic clinical features of this disease include the formation of painless polyps in the nasal mucosa or the nasopharynx that bleed easily on touch. At our center, excision of the lesion with a Le Fort I osteotomy is carried out in patients (1) in whom two or more previous attempts at excision of biopsy-proven rhinosporidiosis arising from the nasal mucosa was carried out or (2) in whom the rhinosporidiosis arises from the nasophayrngeal mucosa and/or extranasal sites. In this article we retrospectively present 7 cases in which, according to our inclusion criteria, complete excision of the lesion was carried out with a Le Fort I osteotomy. Excellent visualization of the entire maxillary and ethmoidal air cells after the down-fracture of the maxilla helped in the total removal of the lesions. Most of these lesions had multiple points of origin through the nasal, maxillary, and ethmoidal mucosa; the excellent visualization enabled direct cauterization of all these points of origin. The mean follow-up period was 7.96 years, and all patients were disease-free by the time the study was prepared. This article presents details of the treatment protocol and technique followed at our center for the treatment of nasopharyngeal rhinosporidiosis and the details of long-term follow-up. Through this study we hope to prove the efficacy of Le Fort I osteotomy in the definitive management of nasopharyngeal rhinosporidiosis.