Introduction: Giant Cell Tumors are benign, aggressive tumors typically found in the epiphysis of long bones. It has a potential for aggressive behaviour and the capacity to metastasize. the most common symptom of a giant cell tumor is a pain in the area of the tumor. The patient may also have pain with the movement of the nearby joint. Case: We reported an 18-year-old boy with an extensive giant-cell tumor of proximal humerus. Radiograph show a primary malignant bone tumour proximal humerus dextra with soft tissue swelling. There was a lytic lesion, with wide zone transition on proximal humerus dextra, and a trabeculated bone outside the normal lesion was treated by segmental resection and shoulder reconstruction. A prosthesis was used to reconstruct the shoulder joint, the rotator cuff was reattached to the bone after making a semicircular trough. Discussion: There are several therapy options for the patient, the non-operative and operative therapy. The non-operative way such as radiation therapy, medication therapy, and tumor embolization. The operative way such as extensive, complete resection, and amputation. Conclusion: Wide excision is suitable for this patient, we can save normal tissue and do some shoulder reconstruction.