Fetus papyraceous is the intrauterine fetal demise of one of the twins in early pregnancy which gets retained resulting in compression and resembles parchment paper. We report one such case of twin pregnancy where a 23 years primigravida with 36 weeks amenorrhea was referred to our hospital for delivery. Ultrasonography done during antenatal visits revealed twin pregnancy with one dead fetus. She delivered one healthy baby, placenta, and another pale white membranous tissue with firm areas. Multiple sections from the tissue revealed areas of developing bone, cartilage, ciliated epithelium, and muscular tissue confirming the diagnosis of fetus papyraceus. The basic concern of fetus papyraceus is its effect on the surviving fetus and on the mother. To avoid possible complications, intrauterine diagnosis of fetus papyraceus by serial ultrasound examinations and routine placental examination postdelivery to search for fetus papyraceus should be keenly followed.