A 45-year-old woman with a prior history of hysterectomy due to adenomyosis and leiomyomas was presented at our outpatient gynecology clinic 13 months later with sudden lower pelvic discomfort and vaginal bleeding symptoms. The patient underwent vaginal vault biopsy however diagnosis was still uncertain. Additional evaluation was required due to massive rebleeding incidents. After an emergent explorative laparoscopic operation with total excision of the vault, a diagnosis of vaginal vault endometriosis was made. Our theory is that a possible transplantation of endometrial cells during morcellation of the adenomyotic uterus which then may have progressed to iatrogenic endometriosis of the vaginal vault. Therefore, vault endometriosis must be considered in incidences of delayed massive bleeding occurring in post-hysterectomy patients when other diagnoses have been excluded.