Tumors around the elbow are infrequent, and delayed diagnosis is a common theme because of the low incidence and lack of familiarity. However, just like any other site, the radiologic work-up of musculoskeletal tumors around the elbow remains the same, with plain films the first investigation in a patient with a suspected bone tumor and ultrasound the first modality to evaluate a soft tissue lump. The management of both bone and soft tissue tumors around the elbow is unique because of a large number of important structures in an anatomically confined space and little normal tissue to spare without severely compromising the joint's function. Many benign nonneoplastic entities can mimic bone and soft tissue tumors on imaging. It is important to keep the characteristic imaging appearance in mind while formulating a differential diagnosis to avoid an unnecessary additional work-up. This article reviews the most common benign and malignant bone and soft tissue tumors around the elbow, mimickers, imaging features, and current therapeutic concepts.