We show how to derive new abstract machines from monadic evaluators for the computational λ-calculus. Starting from (1) a generic evaluator parameterized by a monad and (2) a monad specifying a computational effect, we inline the components of the monad in the generic evaluator to obtain an evaluator written in a style that is specific to this computational effect. We then derive the corresponding abstract machine by closure-converting, CPS-transforming, and defunctionalizing this specific evaluator. We illustrate the construction with the identity monad, obtaining yet again the CEK machine, and with a lifted state monad, obtaining a variant of the CEK machine with error and state.In addition, we characterize the tail-recursive stack inspection presented by Clements and Felleisen at ESOP 2003 as a lifted state monad. This enables us to combine the stackinspection monad with other monads and to construct abstract machines for languages with properly tail-recursive stack inspection and other computational effects. The construction scales to other monads-including one more properly dedicated to stack inspection than the lifted state monad-and other monadic evaluators.